Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 9: Someone I would like to meet

Jaco Pastorius, I know you have passed on now, but as a bass player it would be an honor to meet the greatest bass player of all time. I wish I could have been one of your students. It's a shame that you passed away at an early age, but your legacy will always live on in music.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 8: My Favorite Internet Friend

Omg where do I start with you? lol Leah you are my favorite internet friend :). I remember when I first added you on facebook, you seemed excited that I found you and our friendship just took off from there. I know I have told you this before but I had know idea that we were still going to be friends now but who knew that you would be one of my bestfriends lol. You and me have like the same thought process lol; you like the way I think and I like the way you think. You have like the best taste in music and love how I can be my natural music/band geek self when I talk to you, and when we talk we talk for hours lol. It really surprised me how we could keep our friendship alive for all this time just through texting and facebooking, usually these friendships don't work for me but you are someone special so I think thats why its working :). And now that we can make video calls through skype I think our friendship will last a long time :). I could go on and on forever about you and your silliness lol, but I can say that I am really lucky to have you as my friend and I hope we will stay friends for years to come.

Te amo :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 7: My ex-girlfriend

Well considering that I only talk to one of my exs this will be a short post. Amanda was my first girlfriend and is the only ex I talk to now,and i love her to death she is easily one of my best friends. Me and her had a lot of ups and downs but I'm glad that me and her are talking again.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 6: A Stranger

"Don't talk to strangers...that is a good rule but not specific. Don't talk to strangers...if you don't want to make any friends, that is more specific."
-Demitri Martin

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 5: My Dreams

All my dreams are either completely off the wall and really don't mean anything or they are about my future and future experiences...enough said lol

Friday, July 30, 2010

Days 3 and 4: Parents and Siblings

I accidentally skipped yesterdays blog so I'm going to combine it with today's blog. My parents I love them but they get on my nerves, my mom is overbaring at times but in contrast she is incredibly lax. My dad is "old school" as he calls it when it comes to parenting, but in my opinion it can be kind of counterproductive and annoying. Despite this and everything else that is a little too personal to put online, I love them to death.

My brother...he is everything I hate in a person...but I love him too.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 2: My Crush

My crush? umm...that is a secret that I think I should keep to myself lol